Know your patients. Know your schedule.

We provide pre-diagnoses and flag important symptoms and patient histories to improve the efficiency of consultations.

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About Us

What we deliver

Our goal is to help physicians drive smarter, more informed clinical decisions while optimizing the number of patients they see. We do this in many different ways.

Patient Forms

Patients can input their main concerns as well as medical history.

Diagnosis Model

Our algorithms analyze the data to draw smart predictions.

Patient Report

Physicians can view predicted diagnosis and any rare conditions that may apply.

Patient Flags

We flag concerning medcal history that is often missed in patient diagnoses.


Secure engineering to keep patient's confidentiality

We know all patients and physicians need their data to be kept secure. That is why we have engineers that are experienced and implement end-to-end encryption to keep you worry-free.

As we develop our software, we will abide by any industry-set data privacy standards and comply with applicable regulations. Have any questions about data privacy?

Contact Us

Any Questions? Answered

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

We are currently in early stages and will be running pilot programs. If you are interested, please contact us. Join our waitlist to keep yourself in the loop of any product releases!
Being part of our early access programs allows you to be ahead of other clinics to optimize your workflow. In addition, our pilot programs give you free access to our products unlike the public release.
We try to make our products easy to adopt by requiring next to zero time investment. Our goal is for you to gain the best benefit without increasing the time you spend per patient.
Unfortunately, not at the moment. However, the financial incentive for physicians and convenience of an electronic platform for patients make us confident in clinics adopting Medflow's software.
Currently, our team is located in Toronto, Canada. Hence, our product is tailored for he Canadian healthcare systems. However, if you are located elsewhere, please contact us so we can help you!
At the moment, we allow patients to input their symptoms and relevant conditions in our secure form. However, as we implement our softwares in clinics, we will build patient profiles to make it easy-to-use.

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Our Location

Toronto, Canada

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